À PROPOS DE Future Park

  • 背景画像
Collaborative Creation
The work of today will disappear Artificial intelligence and technology could replace much of the existing work that we know today. In a future society, traits that only humans possess — such as co-creation — will become increasingly important. Humans have always been creative Humans are naturally collaborative and creative. However, current education emphasizes only one correct answer over all others, stifling creativity. Free thinking and behavior that is different is suppressed. And, by doing so, students become afraid of making mistakes and lose their natural creativity. Whereas in the real world, we find that there are no problems that have only one correct answer. Often as not the correct answer 10 years ago is now incorrect. By creating new solutions that solve problems in different ways, and give people enjoyment in the process, new answers are born. It is creativity that allows us to overcome problems that cannot be defined as either correct or incorrect. Humans have made this world thanks to creative activities with others Large numbers of people are addicted to smartphones. Their brains may be connected, but their bodies are isolated. As a result, opportunities for nurturing co-creative experiences are decreasing. Humans learn about the world through interaction with others and by sharing experiences. People think with their bodies as they move through the world, and society has developed through creative activities born from collaboration. Enjoy the experience of co-creation Relationships Among People is one of teamLab’s concepts that explores the possibilities of changing relationships among people, and transforming the presence of others into a positive experience. teamLab believes that creative activities, which often tend to be individualistic, can be transformed into co-creative activities, while still allowing people individual freedom. Through the experience of co-creation, people will be able to explore more shared creativity in their daily lives. It was from such a desire that the “Future Park” project was born.




teamLab (f. 2001) is an international art collective. Their collaborative practice seeks to navigate the confluence of art, science, technology, and the natural world. Through art, the interdisciplinary group of specialists, including artists, programmers, engineers, CG animators, mathematicians, and architects, aims to explore the relationship between the self and the world, and new forms of perception. In order to understand the world around them, people separate it into independent entities with perceived boundaries between them. teamLab seeks to transcend these boundaries in our perceptions of the world, of the relationship between the self and the world, and of the continuity of time. Everything exists in a long, fragile yet miraculous, borderless continuity. teamLab exhibitions have been held in cities worldwide, including New York, London, Paris, Singapore, Silicon Valley, Beijing, and Melbourne among others. teamLab museums and large-scale permanent exhibitions include teamLab Borderless and teamLab Planets in Tokyo, teamLab Borderless Shanghai, and teamLab SuperNature Macao, with more to open in cities including Abu Dhabi, Beijing, Hamburg, Jeddah, and Utrecht. teamLab’s works are in the permanent collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney; Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide; Asian Art Museum, San Francisco; Asia Society Museum, New York; Borusan Contemporary Art Collection, Istanbul; National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne; and Amos Rex, Helsinki. teamLab is represented by Pace Gallery, Martin Browne Contemporary and Ikkan Art. Biographical Documents